The Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild’s latest anthology of short fiction, The Never Never Land, launches in ebook form today.
Thirty tall tales and campfire yarns mythologising Australia’s past, present and future, from a cross-section of new and established Oz spec fiction writers.
Note that I don’t happen to have a story in this anthology, though I do get a mention in the acknowledgements for my modest proof-reading contributions. Nevertheless I can highly recommend The Never Never Land. The talent on show in this volume is quite outstanding.
(And if you *do* need to own a CSFG book with my name in the table of contents, the previous anthology Next contains my very first published story: ‘Imported Goods – Aisle Nine’)
That is a fantastic cover. And I can verify that Next is good stuff. You should all go out and get it now, random people on the internet!