Tag Archives: angela slatter

Conflux 13 – Grimm Tales

Conflux is Canberra’s convention of speculative fiction creation and appreciation, held this year on the long weekend of 29 September to 2 October. It’s a writer-friendly gathering of the tribe where writers, readers and aficionados meet to celebrate the speculative … Continue reading

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GenreCon 2017, for your consideration

My first choice for a speculative fiction convention with a heavy writers’ stream is my local, Conflux. I’ll probably talk about that from time to time. But for those of us who can’t make it to Canberra in October (as … Continue reading

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Ditmar Awards open for nominations

The 2017 Australian SF Awards, aka the Ditmars, are open for nominations until midnight on the 19th of March 2017. Any eligible person – being anyone active in Australian SF, fantasy and/or horror fandom, or a member of the Natcon … Continue reading

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At the Edge – Interviewed by Angela Slatter

Angela Slatter’s introduction to At the Edge speaks eloquently about both the fine craft and the hard labour needed to create good short stories. She should know – she’s one of Australia’s finest speculative storytellers, and I’m very much looking … Continue reading

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Weekend reset – What I’ve been reading

I have buried myself in a complete rewrite of my short story in progress this week. Between editing sessions, what’s been catching my eye on the internet have been writing-related articles. Networking Angela Slatter, who incidentally wrote the very gracious … Continue reading

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