The Australian SF Snapshot is a biennial project to take the pulse of the Australian and New Zealand speculative fiction scene.
Every couple of years, the organisers conduct a series of very short interviews with active Australian and New Zealand authors, as a quick health check on the state of the spec fic writing community, and a permanent record of its growth and wellbeing. What began in 2005 with a few dozen authors has blown up to more than a hundred names.
Ironically, despite this being a very fallow writing year for me, it’s also my first time participating in the snapshot. You can read my entry right here (none of the information is new to anyone reading this, but I do make a couple of book/author recommendations you might like to check out).
While you’re there, do have a browse. Go and check in on the writers you love, or discover someone you never knew about. At the time of writing, the interview count has passed the hundred mark and the project still has about a week to run.
(To get you started, here’s the links to the people in the picture above. By the time you see this, there will already be new ones above these…)
Top Row: Trent Jamieson – K H Canobi – Marty Young – Gillian Polack – Donna Hanson
Middle Row: Matthew R Davis – Amanda Bridgeman – Grant Stone – Suzanne J Willis – Nicole Lenoir-Jourdan
Bottom Row: Cary Lenehan – Sarah Epstein – Adam Browne – Amie Kaufman – Melanie Harding-Shaw