The table of contents for CSFG’s upcoming anthology A Hand of Knaves has just been released. I am pleased to announced that my story “A Moment’s Peace” is in the mix. (It’s a fantasy-world burglary featuring a point man with an unusual condition).
You can see the full list of authors and titles here.
A special tip of the hat to my fellow CSFG’ers who made the cut – Louise Pieper, Robert Porteous, Simon Petrie (with his writing partner Edwina Harvey), David Coleman, CH Pearce and Angus Yeates – and also to my Facebook writing group pals Tom Dullemond, Rebecca Fraser and Helen Stubbs.
I’m looking forward to working with the editors and I can’t wait to see the final product. The book should be out later in the year; I expect there will be some kind of launch at Conflux.