Conflux 12 aka Red Fire Monkey starts in just over a week, so I’ve been offline dealing with my behind-the-scenes jobs. I just wanted to point out a couple of things:
First, the latest Progress Report has been posted, so if you didn’t receive an email already, you can go to the Conflux site and check it out.
Second, just a reminder that the At the Edge launch will be on Sunday the 2nd of October at midday, and is open to the public (i.e. not just attending members of Conflux).
I’ll be doing a short presentation, the delightful Jo Anderton will do a reading from what I think was one of the best stories in the anthology, and we will draw a prize of a framed print of the book’s beautiful cover art. Then we will all celebrate with pavlova. (If there’s time, I will also do a short reading, but if so it will be very short!)
We would be delighted to have your company on the day!
Thanks for this Dave, and to everyone who would like to come along and support both the book launch and Lynelle’s fundraising efforts.
Both *At The Edge* and *FFANZ* are about growing the ties between the Australian and New Zealand SFFH communities in strong and positive ways.
As is pavlova.
Have fun! Wish I could be there!
– Dan
Wish you could be here too Dan. We will do what we can!