Category Archives: Personal

My ducks require alignment

My father passed away on the 7th of January, a few months shy of his 80th birthday and nearly two decades after his diagnosis for multiple myeloma gave him a prognosis of between three and six months to live. The … Continue reading

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A Year of Two Halves

It’s been brought to my attention that, despite the scorching Australian summer conditions, I’ve developed a slightly blogfaded complexion. Which is to say – oh look, it appears I haven’t posted anything substantial here since August. First of all, I’m … Continue reading

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A shifting perspective

I may have been going about this the wrong way. Having attributed my recent writing slump to illness, I believed that all I had to do to get back to full steam was to build up a daily habit, making … Continue reading

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Dismantling the barriers

It’s been quiet here since I closed up shop on Friday Flash Fiction. I’m not going to go into details here, but I’ve been unwell for some time. Writing, along with almost everything else, was a constant and increasingly unmanageable … Continue reading

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Temporarily elsewhere

In a few hours I’m catching a plane to some far-flung corner of the earth. Or maybe not that far-flung, but I will cross more time zones and lines of latitude than I’m used to. I know there are people … Continue reading

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