Category Archives: Friday flash fiction
Final Fridays
I’m not one for resolutions around the start of a new year. Commitments made while basking in the glow of holidays and indulgence are neither credible nor binding, if past experience is anything to go by. Life’s starting to catch … Continue reading
Friday flash fiction – An End to Principalities
Five allies encircled a cauldron, watching as disasters played out across the surface of bubbling gruel. One moment, a wave of Nonemyr berserkers clad in bone armour and swinging ice-headed hammers descended on a golden army. The next moment, bat-winged … Continue reading
Friday flash fiction – The Unthinkable City
Once upon a time, in a land beyond reason and hope, two bunnies embarked on an adventure to the Unthinkable City. “This is the worst place we’ve ever been,” spluttered Mellowgrass, shaking rank sewer-water from his matted angora fur. “It … Continue reading
Friday flash fiction – The Giant’s Tale
Hurgomath’s dead maternal ancestor towered behind his shoulder, whispering predictions of doom. “Do not allow yourself to fall with the Principalities, child. Their pitiful resistance will not forestall annihilation. What sort of Giant are you to tether your fate to … Continue reading