Tag Archives: historical
Friday flash fiction – Anarchy (in the EA)
In a grimy Soho bar in November 1975, nobody recognised her when the heir to the Empire of Albion walked in. As a human-saurian hybrid fashionably dressed in nearly-shredded jeans and a tartan waistcoat, she drew no particular attention. She … Continue reading
Friday flash fiction – Shifting Jenny
The Shifting Jenny’s sails mumbled as the wind shifted southerly. Captain Annie Stagger glared at the horizon. “They’re close, mates,” she declared. “I can feel it in my bones.” “Ahoy below,” shouted Davey-Girl from the tops, leaning out and pointing … Continue reading
Friday flash fiction – Four Letters Undelivered Due to the Present Difficulties
Dearest Martha I fear this letter will never find you, as the raptors have surrounded our position. The last message-runner we sent out was a gutsy fellow from the Queen’s Own regiment, by the name of Bartleby Wilson. I regret … Continue reading