Tag Archives: hetchag the ravener
Friday flash fiction – The Mystery of the Salt Circle
“Another mystery solved! Great work, gang!” “Right, Brett. Who’d have thought a kindly old librarian would turn out to be a deranged cult leader?” “People sure harbour some strange secrets. Well, let’s all go to the Disco Diner for chocolate … Continue reading
Friday flash fiction – The Penultimate Foe
As Cassandra Chalk stood over the fallen form of her mortal enemy, the Dread Lord Griefstalker, the enchanted medallion crumbled into glittering jade dust and spilled through her fingers. The mighty ethereal entity Uxlar, summoned to her side by the … Continue reading
Friday Flash Fiction – The Last, Greatest Gig of the Shrieking Alpacas
The Shrieking Alpacas played their last, greatest gig at the Wisdom Street Hotel on the night of the twenty-ninth of February. They had nothing left to prove after the five song setlist brought the house down. Song One was “Ignorance” … Continue reading
Friday flash fiction – Cold Cults
It’s not as if we were ignorant of the challenges involved in summoning Hetchag the Ravener from His otherworldly dwelling in the Dark Crevasse. Our little association went to meticulous lengths to prepare the way for His coming. We planned … Continue reading