The Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild is launching its newest anthology A Hand of Knaves at the end of the month. My story appearing in the anthology – ‘A Moment’s Peace’ – is a fantasy heist tale with demons, deathtraps and copious bloodshed. It’s fun!
The final cover art was revealed this week, featuring the gorgeous playing card artwork of my great and talented writer-artist mate Shauna O’Meara, with photo layout by Simon Petrie. Over the years, the CSFG anthologies have established a reputation for quality Australian speculation short fiction; from what I’ve seen, editors Leife Shallcross and Chris Large are pushing the standard to new heights with Knaves.
The book will be launched at the Conflux 14 convention in Canberra on Sunday 30 September at 5:45 pm in Vibe Hotel. If you’re local, I’d love to see you there. I’ll be reading from the story (probably one of the exciting bits full of bloodshed and mayhem so my children don’t get bored) and there will be drinks, snacks and an air of celebratory conviviality. Books will be sold and signed by the (many) authors present.
For anyone who can’t be at the launch, you can pre-order the trade paperback from the CSFG website (which comes bundled with the ebooks for immediate gratification). The book will be available in the usual ebook stores sometime after launch.
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