For your information, I have added a Privacy Policy to the website (under About the author in the menu), which explains what data is collected when you visit the site or opt into my newsletter. If you have questions about the policy or how I use your data, feel free to ask them in the comments below (anonymously, if you prefer).
Basically, it boils down to: I use software that collects various stats about numbers and locations of site visitors (WordPress plugins including Jetpack). I use this information mainly to ask questions like “Why are people from South Korea visiting my site? Is it because I keep mentioning I play Overwatch?”
I also collect names and email addresses in my email newsletter signup. This data is stored at a third party mail distribution provider (Mailchimp) and backed up in a cloud storage provider (Dropbox). The email list is opt-in and recipients can opt out at any time, even after the download their free book. I’m totally cool with that.
I don’t run ads on the site, but if I did, it would be through some kind of third party provider over which I would have little to no control. Which is pretty much why I don’t do it.
If you have questions about the policy or how I use your data, feel free to ask them in the comments below (anonymously, if you prefer).