It’s the end of November, ostensibly my month of relentless positivity, and it’s pretty obvious now that I’m not going to make it to thirty full entries. I’m more than a week behind and…well, I just don’t have anything left.
It’s not that I’ve been crushed under the unremittingly grimness of November 2017. I mean, it mostly hasn’t been great, news-wise, but on the other hand it doesn’t stand out as one of the worst months of this, the world-is-burningest of years.
But between a busy day job and an unsustainable number of personal projects, I haven’t had a lot of time to slow down and look for the beauty in the world. Every time I try, someone I thought was admirable turns out to suck, or an institution I value appears to be on fire. Mostly of late, I have not been well-rewarded for indulging my curiosity.
There’s plenty in my life to be grateful for and be happy about – family, friends and stuff – but nothing especially needing a plug. What this month has reminded me is to take stock of the good, cut out as much of the bad as possible, and keep going.
Her’s a song to take us all into November, courtesy of the Mountain Goats.